Sunday-- worship team; day with friends; company for supper
Monday-- put up trim in living room
Tuesday-- clean up kitchen after Sunday and Monday's messes; worship team practice; prayer meeting afterwards; LATE bedtime
Wednesday (today, all day)-- help some friends pack up after being evicted. Now our enclosed trailer is full of their household goods, and we are BEAT, just BEAT.
Thursday(tomorrow)-- Food Coop pick up at 10:00 (which means help unload truck and divvy up the stuff); talk to MIL about food for butchering day. Catch up on housework. Post TT list. I hope.
Friday-- Make food, lots of food. Post part one of "The Fellowship and The Ring." I hope.
Saturday-- BUTCHERING DAY. Hubby's brothers and their families, including us, gather at the folks' place and we butcher a very big hog. We'll work hard, eat a lot, and go to bed late.
Sunday-- Get up very early for before-church worship team practice and sound check. The service will probably go late because we have visiting preachers from South Africa.
If I weren't tired already, I'd be tired just looking at my week. If you don't see me around for a few days, you'll know why.
My bed is calling me, loudly. So instead of TT tonight, it's TTFN. You know, as in "Tigger". As in "Ta-ta for now."
Wink. Yawn. Snore.
Outfit Formula: A Side of Chartreuse
2 days ago
For my 0.02, I think some sleep is more important than a TT list. I spent yesterday horrendously sick, partly from getting overly tired sending off the young man.
I've spent all morning bemaoning the fact that I'm just oo busy/tired to do what I had wanted to do for my hubby on Valentine's day. May we both have a more relxing week next week.
Man, makes me tired just reading it.
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