Note: The third and final episode of the Trilogy of the Ring will be posted on Friday.
I got this fun idea from Lulu. There were twenty items in the original list, but I pared it down to thirteen, partly for the sake of the Thursday Thirteen, and partly because I didn't know how to answer some of the questions. And partly because I must be a bit of an oddball and didn't know it, because some of them were very hard to find pictures for.
And now I'd better explain what I'm talking about. It's a list of questions that you answer "using only pictures found online (only the first page of results.)"
I wasn't sure what "online" meant, but I searched on google images, figuring that was pretty close. However, I noticed that Ornery's wife just posted a very similar list, and her instructions said to use PhotoBucket.
Well, I'll have to admit sometimes I had to go through several pages of images to find anything usable for some of my answers, and some I just gave up on.
But all that aside, here is my Illustrated List of Thirteen Things About Me:
1. Age I'll be on my next birthday:

My how time flies. Therefore, the clock seemed appropriate.
2. A place I'd like to visit:

3. My favorite place:

4. My favorite object:

My Palm Zire 72 pda. It has my calendar, my to-do list, my alarm clock, my concordance, several bible translations, and a bunch of other things that I'd be lost without.
5.My favorite food (surprise, surprise):

6. My favorite animal:

Well, I don't know if I really have a favorite, but we used to have a pet mallard named DuckDuck, and that was fun.
7. My favorite color:

Seriously, I love lots of colors together. You should see the two quilts I made. Hmm, maybe you can, if I post pictures sometime....
8. City in which I was born:

How many of you know that Kansas City, Kansas started out as Wyandotte City? But then the city wanted to bask in the reflected glory of Kansas City, Missouri, and changed its name. See, blogs can be educational.
9. The town in which I live:

10. My nickname/screen name:

11. A bad habit I have:

12. My first job:

13. My dream job:

In case you'd like to use this idea yourself, here are the questions I left out:
The name of a pet
Your middle name
Your last name
The first name of your love
Your current job
A picture you find hilarious
A picture that inspires you
Very ingenious! I like that, but I have no idea what #4 is.
This is a lot of fun! God bless.
VERY clever TT! And who cares if you cheated by not using the first page of pictures, or the wrong source. The results are fun and that's all that matters.
Great idea! I havebeen needing an excuse to break out the camera and this will do nicely. And nicely done!
Well its number 68 for me this week. I answer 13 More Questions from the 100 Question Meme. Stop by if you get a chance.
I loved it! Great fun!
Great list! Happy TT!
Wow, what a great list...very creative:) Happy TT and thanks for stopping by.
This was fun, wasn't it?? I didn't do a TT this week, but I did do a Mystery Theater Thurday. I think that I'll switch back next week.
Have a great weekend!!
Great post. I saw something similar that storyteller posted at Small Reflections and fell in love with the idea. I will be making the same post sometime in the near future. Isn't it great how a good idea is borrowed over and over again?
Thanks for stopping by my TT.
I love this! What a great idea! I may have to borrow this one for next weeks TT!
This is GREAT!!! I will have to borrow this idea one week! Happy TT!!
Thanks for the idea :D
My T13 #1
I love this! May I steal the idea, too? :o)
This is such a great idea, I'll have to use it sometime soon.
Happy TT
Oh...I think I like this! And we will both be 46 on our next birthdays.
Oh...and if you love your Palm, you would marry your iPhone. I was a long-time Palm user and the switch to iPhone and its easy integration with my Mac has enhanced my efforts to be organized and to communicate!
Great list. Your pictures add a lot. My first job was babysitting too.
Dang, you are cool. Mad grats on such good taste in personalities!
GREAT list! and lots of fun to read!
happy t13!
I have the very very same bad habit. My mom always told me it was my only fault. This was a fun and very cute list.
I'll be celebrating that same birthday in a few weeks.
very fun! I may try this idea in the comming weeks!
Great idea for a T13.
I love this TT! I'm curious too what Ted does for a living. LOL
Mom, beautiful photos to illustrate things about you. You have a beautiful family! And I must say that a little chocolate after supper never hurt anyone! HA! :D Thanks for visiting me!
what a fun list i too have 3 Muscular boys and a lovely talented daughter ranging in age 23-18 I'd love a job camping --Hey wait i had one one college summer:>
My list friend would love the concept.
I got a TT up, sans the graphics, thanks to Rajean's kind loan of her computer for the afternoon.
This is a great TT. And, you did a good job illustrating them all.
I was born and raised in Kansas City and had no idea....Now I am on the other side of the State Line in Johnson County. I bet there is some interesting info about that as well! I loved your post, your pictures are great!
Very creative!
That is a neat list. Maybe some week I'll do that.
Our Happy Happenings
Livin' With Me
This was a great tt. My favorite food is chocolate and I have a problem with procrastination too.
Thanks for stopping by
Finally getting around to read TT's. I am glad you did this one. I figured we must be pretty close to the same age. My bad habit of dirty dishes could be considered procrastination, too, but I don't usually put most things off, just housework! :-) Happy Friday!
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