Friday, February 27, 2009

7 Quick Takes #4


This quote from yesterday's prayers in The Divine Hours has me thinking:

Exalt joy as we may—and there is surely no joy to be compared to that of the Christian adventure—it is not to the pilgrim in quest of joy, but to the lover of the cross, bent on sacrifice, that the secret of the Lord is revealed.

I believe there is nothing wrong with joy. That's something I've been learning. However, the idea of finding our joy in sacrifice is definitely thought-provoking.


JD and LovelyDaughter were sick this week. They had some sort of flu bug, and I got to play mom by dropping by and bringing crackers and chicken broth, and also a sweater for LovelyDaughter, which, by the way, was a highlight of my week because it was a steal at a local thrift store: $1 for a nearly new cable knit sweater made of merino wool, cashmere, and angora!


Ash Wednesday was this week, which is the start of the Lenten season, which I only know because I have been studying the Catholic church this year. I debated doing something for Lent, not because I'm Catholic, but because anything that helps form discipline and sacrifice and brings us closer to God sounds like a worthwhile activity. Finally I thought maybe I'd give up chocolate, but I am confessing here and now that I've already flunked.


I am having a recurrence of my achiness today, and after thinking it over I realized the weather is changing. I thought only old people could track the weather with their aches and pains....!


I am working on sewing shopping bags, while still keeping my eye out for more fabric, and I'm having a terrible time finding more material that is medium to heavyweight cotton in pretty prints. The three stores in our area that sell sewing supplies mostly just sell quilting fabric, which is not what I have in mind. I've also been all over online and have not found much. If any of you knows a good place to shop for fabric, please tell me.


I saw a video online-- actually two different ones-- of something called the "Clown Mass.". I guess many Catholic churches are trying to be modern and relevant by doing innovative things with their services. The two examples I saw involved the priest and his many helpers all dressed up like clowns to administer the Mass, or Communion, as we Protestants call it, and it made me feel rather sick. I have no idea what the relevance was-- for example, of blowing bubbles instead of sprinkling holy water-- but even to my sensibilities, having been taught that Communion is symbolic, it seemed frivolous and irreverent. And if I were Catholic and believed that the bread and wine were actually Christ's body and blood, then I would think the whole thing positively blasphemous. Doesn't this fall under the admonition of the Apostle Paul where he warned us to properly discern the body of Christ lest we suffer dire consequences?


Coming up later today: photos of my new wardrobe. This is a red letter occasion: Two posts in one day!

To read more Quick Takes, or join in yourself, go to Conversion Diary.


orneryswife said...

I shall keep my eyes peeled for some fabric like you have in mind. We obviously have more selection here in "the city" than you would in your more rural area. Sometimes there are bargain bins with ends of bolts. I can't remember how much yardage you need--let me know!

Charlotte said...

"Clown masses" in the Catholic church are rare. And yes, those of us who do believe that the eucharist IS the real body/blood of Christ do take offense when something like this happens. Please don't let the actions of some offbeat, stupid lefty Catholics taint your views of what the Church is all about.

And fabric - I always find great vintage fabric with fabulous patterns on Ebay. Vintage barkcloth fabric would be perfect for the bags you're talking about, although it's expensive.