Tuesday, August 12, 2008

In Lieu of a Thousand Words....

Here are a scant few of the pictures DrummerDude took while on our trip to Colorado.

In the van on the way out. Thank technology for laptops! (Those are LovelyDaughter's feet.)

DrummerDude chillin' to some music.


Lovely, lovely Colorado woods. They have such a wonderful, distinctive smell. LovelyDaughter and I gathered up bits and pieces of leaves and bark to create our own "Colorado Potpourri" to bring home.

Mist on the lake. (We were in the Red Feather Lakes area.)

Friendly chipmunks. These guys were incredibly tame. One of them jumped up on JD's lap and stole his cookie-- the whole thing! Faster than you could blink, it was gone.

A shining example, not only of water and sky, but of DrummerDude's photography.

On the rocks. Go, JD!

MB3, LovelyDaughter, and JD

Breakfast at BaseCamp. GuitarGeek, Hubby, and me.

MB3 climbing,....




The view from the top of the rock pile.

Lake and mountains, clouds and mist


carrie said...


orneryswife said...

Lovely, but I somehow missed the photos of YOU climbing on those rocks! Where is your spirit of adventure? :-) (Not that I would ever...)

Thanks for sharing those. I could almost smell the pine...